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Jo Loughnan:
Just Waiting
Jo Loughnan - Girl On Chair Mixed Media

Having completed a Certificate in Graphic Design in 1981 Jo carried on to work in Advertising Agencies for the next 10 years in both Christchurch and Sydney. Following this Jo was a stay at home mum and didn't get back to her drawing until recent times.


Jo now divides her time between Art After School, her small business where she teaches art to primary school children as an after school programme, adult drawing classes at Paintnsip and producing her own work for exhibitions. Jo has lived in the Sumner, Redcliffs area for the last 30 years.


Jo whose preferred medium is mixed media, mainly with Indian ink (line work often done with a bamboo skewer) pastels, charcoal and acrylic paint.


Portraits and figures are her favourite subject which she draws with a fresh and expressive style, successfully capturing the moods, 
expressions and relationships between her figures...a moment in time. With few lines Jo is able to get a very good likeness and movement to her work.


Jo has also had great success with drawing pets and birds, once again capturing the unique character of the subject with lively and fresh lines.


  • 2012 Highly commended - Artarama Exhibition Christchurch

  • 2017 Berry & Co Award - Arrowtown Autumn Festival Exhibition

  • 2017 3rd Prize - Otago Art Society Annual Exhibition

  • 2018 2ndPrize - Otago Art Society Annual Exhibition

  • 2018 Best of Show - Artarama Exhibition Christchurch

  • 2019 Special Mention - Otago Art Society Summer Exhibition

Clarence Lane. 34 Conical Hill Road, Hanmer Springs 027 432 5914

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